Boy Scout Explains “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others”

Boy Scout Explains “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others”

BoyScoutScouting introduces youth to a world of fun and opportunity they can’t get anywhere else. It teaches young men how to grow into the leaders of tomorrow and inspires them to do their best. But Scouts aren’t just gaining the positive, character-building benefits for themselves – they are passing them on to others by being a good example.

Charles H. is a Life Scout and Order of the Arrow member from the Central Minnesota Council and he believes Scouting not only brings out the best in himself, it brings out the best in others.

His mom says he’s been hard of hearing since birth, yet he’s grown to have a passion for public speaking and wanted to share his Scouting story with his community. He participated in a local deaf/hard of hearing speech contest through the Optimist Club and won the top spot after reciting his story. Read his winning speech below to learn how Scouting has inspired him to lead others by being a great model of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

In Boy Scouts we are taught the skills of leadership, to be good role model for others. I’ve learned to have a vision, a goal to what I want to accomplish. And through accomplishing my goals, and setting good examples others will follow my lead. This does not mean there won’t be challenges or failures, but by having a good attitude, a cheerful demeanor, I can feel good knowing I tried. Talking about the Boy Scout program is something I love to do.

The program has helped me gain confidence, learn valuable skills like, teamwork, communication, citizenship and public speaking.

The program has helped me gain confidence, learn valuable skills like, teamwork, communication, citizenship and public speaking. Over the summer I went on a trip to the National Order of the Arrow Conference held at Michigan State University. There I joined with 15,000 other Order of the Arrow members to celebrate 100 years of the movement. One night there was a speech given by Donnie Stephens, and he said “we live in this culture of I, me and my, which has it’s place, but don’t sacrifice the we for the me. Remember others, bring spirit to others and serve others all of your life.” Wow, what a statement. This inspired me to want to give back to Scouting more, give my best to my troop, work hard for the goals I set for myself, but also help another person to do their best, accomplish their goals. Through that spirit of helping we both will be rewarded. This is why I love being a Boy Scout and proud to wear the uniform. It’s given me many opportunities to lead, serve others, face and overcome challenges.

BoyScout1Last year I took on the role of Senior Patrol Leader in my Scout troop. This was a huge step in responsibility. I was the top leader of the troop, would be responsible for running the meetings, activities and outings. I would be the person the other Scouts looked to for answers, to be responsible for part of their Scouting journey. I needed to lead by example. National Youth Leadership Training had given me some idea on what this whole leadership thing was about, I saw the examples from the previous leaders, I thought okay I got this. I set some goals, made a speech and was elected by my fellow Scouts into the position. I had to work with the other troop leaders to come up with new ideas for campouts, activities and meetings. Sometimes this was the more challenging part as people would not know what to do. This is where lead by example comes in: the more prepared I came with ideas, or suggestions, then my fellow leaders would chime in and we’d get the ball rolling. We may not have succeeded in everything, that is perfectly alright though because we tried our best and together learned to not give up.

Doing your best is not about being perfect, or better than someone else; it’s about knowing you tried, gave it all you could, made a plan and went for it.

Doing your best is not about being perfect, or better than someone else; it’s about knowing you tried, gave it all you could, made a plan and went for it. Over the last year our troop has come together as one, we have built a spirit of brotherhood. I gave this leadership my best effort, tried to accomplish all the goals that was set, and can say we succeeded.

While working on this speech, I reflected on my trip and the time spent in Boy Scouts. I found they all complimented each other. The Optimist Club is about bringing out the best in children, and their community; our Scout Oath says “On my honor I will do my best”, and during the Order of the Arrow conference we were told to do our best, to give back, inspire others. By doing simple acts of kindness, serving others, giving back to our community, we show our passions. We can start a movement, a movement of good. By being the example others can follow and the trend will keep moving. We together can change our towns, states, countries, the world. Reach out to another and cheer them on, give them a high five and say “You got this!” Gather together to serve your communities in any capacity. Be a mentor to a youth, be a friend to a senior citizen, clean up a park. This is a challenge I think each and every one of us can accomplish.

Congratulations to this Scout for his incredible accomplishments and leadership in Scouting! How does Scouting help you and your Scouts bring out the best in others? Share your stories in the comments below!

Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at


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Boy Scout Explains “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others”
Boy Scout Explains “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others”
Boy Scout Explains “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others”