Check Out the 2014 Merit Badge Rankings!

Check Out the 2014 Merit Badge Rankings!

Bryan on Scouting released the newest merit badge rankings for 2014 and the number one spot might shock you. Not only did the most earned merit badge knock down a five-year reigning champ, but it also beat out the second place by nearly 19,000 badges. After the winner joined the Eagle-required list January 2014, the amount of Scouts earning the badge sky-rocketed to 99,908. With approximately 2.1 million badges earned in 2014, that’s not a bad ratio.

Here’s a hint: Second place went to First Aid, but who took the win?

Find out the answer over at Bryan on Scouting and check out the full merit badge rankings, complete with his detailed analysis of the findings.

Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at


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Check Out the 2014 Merit Badge Rankings!
Check Out the 2014 Merit Badge Rankings!
Check Out the 2014 Merit Badge Rankings!