Complete the 2017 Voice of the Scout Surveys to Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Complete the 2017 Voice of the Scout Surveys to Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Calling all volunteers, parents, and Scouts!  The Voice of the Scout surveys are being redesigned to empower councils to better serve the unit and we need to hear your voice!  Last time we distributed the Voice of the Scout, we attempted to reach 1.45 million Scouts, volunteers, and parents. Unfortunately, we only heard back from 9% of people and were unable to reach another 9% due to bad email addresses.

To let your voice be heard in 2017, log in or create an account at My.Scouting Tools ( so we can contact you. If you have already created an account, make sure that your email address is accurate.

Your complete and accurate information is key for us to seek your feedback. Your feedback impacts our decision-making for future strategies and program delivery.

For additional questions about the Voice of the Scout, please contact  We look forward to having new feedback to act on soon!

*Editor’s Note: The Voice of the Scout Survey will be released at the beginning of 2017. This article is intended to encourage you to update your contact information to ensure a successful future delivery.

Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at


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Complete the 2017 Voice of the Scout Surveys to Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Complete the 2017 Voice of the Scout Surveys to Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Complete the 2017 Voice of the Scout Surveys to Let Your Voice Be Heard!