How Does She Do it? Why Moms Deserve a Big Thanks This Mother’s Day

How Does She Do it? Why Moms Deserve a Big Thanks This Mother’s Day

It’s 3:50 p.m. and your son Jason sent you a text, “I’m READY NOW, MOM!”

You had planned to pick him up from the Cub Scout den meeting five minutes ago, but traffic was heavy and daughter Hayley has to be at gymnastics in nine minutes. What do you do?

Today, with always-on communications, it’s easy. Call son Jason, tell him your neighbor Jody will take him home. Then, in the gym parking lot, you text Jody and receive an immediate confirmation “YES!” It’s a typical day.

Moms Communicate

In a recent survey of 9,271 moms conducted by Forrester Research, we learn that smartphones are the #1 communication device favored by 82% of moms – compared to 70% of the 61,000 Americans included in the study. Moms also transact more business using the smartphone. The same survey indicates moms check weather, network, navigate, shop and conduct banking business 16% more often using a smartphone than the rest of America.

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Moms Share

Besides sharing sandwiches, drinks, clothes and money, 23% of moms share parenting and family discussions online – double the national average. Moms love to share images of their families too – 14% more than all Americans.

Moms Are Always Available  

More than 2/3 send texts, 65% talk on the phone and 37% use instant messaging daily – about 10% higher than the rest of the country.

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Thanks Scout Moms!

Whatever the method, whatever the time, moms are ready to be there for you. Don’t forget to reach out to her on Sunday and show your appreciation for everything she does. Whether it’s Mother’s Day or any other day, moms play an important role in the Scouting experience.

Thank you to all the moms who help make Scouting possible! How has your mom helped you get the most out of Scouting? Share your stories in the comments below.


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How Does She Do it? Why Moms Deserve a Big Thanks This Mother’s Day
How Does She Do it? Why Moms Deserve a Big Thanks This Mother’s Day
How Does She Do it? Why Moms Deserve a Big Thanks This Mother’s Day