Money-Saving Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Scouting

Money-Saving Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Scouting

A Scout is Thrifty, and no Scout should ever have to miss out on the great experiences of Scouting due to a lack of funding. To help Scouts and leaders, Scouting magazine has just developed a great article with a list of money-saving tips for Scouting so you can make the most of the money you spend on Scouting activities.

Some of the key money-saving tips include things like creating a uniform-sharing system for Scouts, teaming up with other Scouting or Venturing units for some events, organizing a unit library, looking for stores that offer special discounts for Scouts, and more! 

Be sure to visit Scouting magazine to read the whole article, which is jam-packed with tons of great ideas from Scouting volunteers and professionals who offer details on how to put some of these money-saving practices in place. And, because a Scout is Helpful, please share some of your own money-saving tips for Scouting in the comments!

Nathan Johnson

As a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America, Nathan Johnson enjoys finding and sharing the stories that inform, inspire, and delight the Scouting family.


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Money-Saving Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Scouting
Money-Saving Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Scouting
Money-Saving Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Scouting