What This Single Mom Can Teach Councils About Recruiting

What This Single Mom Can Teach Councils About Recruiting

Between juggling full-time careers and raising kids, time is a single parent’s – or any parent’s – most precious commodity. So for councils and districts trying to reach these time-strapped parents for Cub Scout recruitment, connecting with them on a personal level is key.

Scouting makes the most of the little time parents have with their children. And that’s why the BSA is joining together with Scout moms in a series of videos available to you via the Marketing and Membership Hub. Read on to find out how Becky’s story can strengthen your council’s recruitment efforts.

“Scouting is Like Family”

A single mom with two jobs, a daughter and one adventure-seeking Cub Scout, Becky of Austin, TX, definitely has her hands full. But one change in her family’s dynamic has made all the difference – Scouting.

Becky enrolled her son in a Spanish-speaking Cub Scout program, and now as he transitions into Boy Scouts, she shares the remarkable impact Scouting has made on not just her son but her whole family. Watch the video below to hear Becky’s touching testimonial and find out why she believes Scouting “is not just a club, it’s a family.”

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Councils can use Becky’s video in their recruitment efforts. Her moving testimony echoes that of other parents, seeking the same character-building, value based experiences Scouting offers. 

To download Becky’s story, go to the BSA Brand Center of the Marketing and Membership Hub. There, you’ll find “Photos and Videos” where you can find helpful resources like this for your council. Just click through “Videos” and you’ll see Scouting testimonials from moms like Becky or other moms we’ve featured on Scouting Wire like Michelle.

Tell us, do you think tailor-made recruitment videos like Becky’s will help capture the attention of parents in your area? How do you plan to incorporate her testimonial into your council’s recruitment strategy?

Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at communications@scouting.org.


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What This Single Mom Can Teach Councils About Recruiting
What This Single Mom Can Teach Councils About Recruiting
What This Single Mom Can Teach Councils About Recruiting