Guess Who’s Invited to the 2017 Jamboree!
Based on the success of Exploring Summerfest during the summer of 2016, we know Explorers are interested in experiencing the history, adventure, and excitement of the jamboree. As a result, this national celebration of youth — which will run from July 19–28, 2017 — now includes Explorers. We are excited to offer youth and adult participants in Exploring programs three different options for attending the 2017 National Scout Jamboree:
Option 1: Attend as a Participant
This is an amazing opportunity for Explorers to experience this national celebration at the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Explorers will have access to all events and programs, take in the sights, and experience the fun and exciting High-Adventure challenge courses that the Summit is known for. The cost to attend is $975 per youth and adult. (Individuals may attend with other groups.)
Option 2: Attend as Staff
If you attend the jamboree as a staff member you can choose one of several service areas to support the national jamboree: Health, Food Service, Traffic & Parking Control, and Maintenance. During down time you can still participate in the scheduled programs and events, and experience the High-Adventure activities of the Summit. The cost to attend is $850, and you must be 21 years of age.
Option 3: The Best of Both Worlds, for Half the Price
If you elect to attend the jamboree as a participant AND staff, your cost will be cut in half. You will be required to work half the event as a registered staff volunteer and as a participant for the remaining half of the jamboree. This is a great opportunity for Explorers to experience the jamboree, while saving on cost. The total cost to youth and adult Explorers for this option is $480. Youth must attend with adult leaders. (Please note: Every option includes meals, shelter and all necessary accommodations.)
Find Out More
Limited camperships (scholarships) are available for youth participants to assist in the cost of attending the 2017 National Scout Jamboree. To apply for a campership, parents/guardians of youth should fill out the campership application for their youth participant, found on the website. To register, visit the 2017 National Jamboree website.
To find out more about the 2017 National Jamboree, consult your local council, or call the National Service Center at (972) 580-2489. You can also email jamboree.staff@scouting.org with specific questions.
Are you attending the 2017 Jamboree? Tell us how you’re getting ready for the festivities in the comments below!