#HandbookHacks to the Rescue! Watch This to Learn Crucial First-Aid Skills
Scouts are synonymous with survival skills. We hear all the time about Scouts helping their friends and neighbors in need and putting the first aid skills they learn in Scouting into real life use. The 13th edition of the Boy Scout Handbook is full of first aid and survival skills – including our latest Handbook Hack. Did you know that there are more than 25,000 ankle and wrist sprains every single day in America? If you sprain something, you better hope Scouts are around – because they’ll use RICE to help you.
R Rest: Don’t move the injured limb. Cover the wounds with sterile dressing.
I Ice: Apply ice for no more than 20 minutes.
C Compression: Wrap the injured limb with an elastic bandage; snug but not too tight.
E Elevation: Keep the limb raised above the heart.
This is just one of many helpful first aid lessons in the Handbook. And with the First Aid Merit Badge being the most popular merit badge of 2015, we’re sure many of you have used other first aid tips and techniques. What useful first aid lessons have you used from the Handbook? Share them on your social channels and tag it with #HandbookHacks.