April is Youth Protection Month

April is Youth Protection Month

Youth Protection is a year-round topic. Remember to spread the word, aim to gain more awareness of how to protect youth from abuse, and acknowledge all of your efforts to keep our programs safe for youth and leaders. Take some time this month to discover and review these updates, revisions, and opportunities.

Chapter 13: Personal Safety Awareness, Boy Scout Handbook 13th Edition

  • This chapter includes helpful information on a number of different topics such as child abuse and neglect, bullying and hazing, and staying safe online.

How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide

  • These guides were updated in 2015 and are available in versions for Cub Scout and Boy Scout parents.
  • Be sure to complete the “Exercises on Personal Safety Awareness” with your child.

Cyber Chip Requirement

Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse

NCMEC NetSmartz Internet Safety Webinar

  • The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) NetSmartz will host a webinar for the BSA on June 15, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. EST.
  • June is also Internet Safety Month.
  • The webinar will discuss challenges to internet safety, as well as available resources, including Cyber Chip.
  • Stay tuned for more information as well as the registration link.
  • For more information about NCMEC NetSmartz and Cyber Chip, see BSA’s Cyber Chip web page and NCMEC NetSmartz web page.

Youth Protection Champions Week at Philmont Training Center (July 31- August 6, 2016)

  • An opportunity to learn about the Champions’ role in keeping youth safe, share best practices, and discover resources.
  • Learn more about Youth Protection Champions, on BSA’s YP Champions web page and register online here.

Local Awareness Events

  • Consider holding or joining an awareness event in your community; some councils now conduct an annual Youth Protection Symposium.
  • These symposia include presentations and workshops on Youth Protection topics and collaboration with community partners such as child advocacy centers, law enforcement, and other youth-serving groups.

More to Come

There will be a Youth Protection exhibit booth at the 2016 National Annual Meeting, so stop by to see what else is new. Many new things are coming this October, so stay tuned to Scouting Wire. 

Youth Protection depends upon the shared involvement of everyone in Scouting. We all have a critical role in keeping youth safe. Remember…youth protection begins with YOU.

Have you participated in youth protection events? Share your story in the comments!


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April is Youth Protection Month
April is Youth Protection Month
April is Youth Protection Month