BSA Acquires Scoutbook to Enhance the Scouting Experience
I’m pleased to share the latest development in Scouting’s efforts to expand our presence into the digital space. Today, we announced the BSA has acquired Scoutbook, a web application designed for mobile devices. Scoutbook delivers a suite of easy-to-use Web-based tools that are helpful to Scouts, parents and unit leaders. It enables units to better communicate, update records, track advancement and manage activities.
This is a dream come true for many Scouts and unit leaders alike. We know from research that more than 75 percent of kids in the U.S. have access to a smartphone or tablet. We are also committed to providing our unit leaders with the tools, training and support they need to deliver the kind of life-changing experiences Scouting provides. Scoutbook helps us seize the opportunity to deliver a more digital experience that is both fun and meaningful for our members.
The genius behind this development is Shawn Jackson, a parent and active member of the Scouting community. Scoutbook was introduced in 2013 and the number of Scout units subscribing has grown quickly to over 200,000 subscribers. As more Scouts and Scouters learn about it, we believe it will catch on as a “must have” resource.
Watch for more updates right here on www.scoutingwire.org. We will keep you posted on new Scoutbook developments, including additional details about the many ways this investment will help enhance the Scouting experience for our Scouts and leaders.
In the meantime, I urge all of you to tap into this latest digital advancement for delivering the kind of Scouting experience America’s young people want and deserve.
Yours in Scouting,