Don’t Get Foiled: Latest Handbook Hack Helps You Master Outdoor Cooking

Don’t Get Foiled: Latest Handbook Hack Helps You Master Outdoor Cooking

Did you hear that? It’s the sounds of birds chirping, campfires crackling and food sizzling on the grill. Yep – spring is here and with it comes outdoor cooking season. While a good Scout can cook up a mean meal outside anytime of the year, it’s that time again when we can get back to the outdoors.

No matter where you are – the Boy Scout Handbook has a cooking technique that can help any cook who may be without pots and pans: foil cooking.

And that’s where we got our inspiration for our latest #HandbookHacks video. By now you likely saw our first Handbook Hack video on Geocaching, and we’re excited to launch our second video in the series on foil cooking techniques.

Whether you’re at the campfire, cooking on a grill in your backyard or even in your kitchen, you can make almost anything using the foil packet techniques. All you need to do is combine your ingredients on a piece of 18 X 12 heavy duty foil and pick a foil-wrap style:

  • The handle wrap is made from a doubled piece of foil that is crimped and folded into a shape with a built-in handle.
  • A bundle wrap starts with the food placed in the center of a piece of foil, then the corners are brought up in the center and twisted at the top to seal (leave room for expansion).
  • For the drugstore wrap, start with the food in the center of the foil as in the bundle wrap. Fold the sides up, fold and crimp the tops several times, and fold and crimp the open edges to finish.

The Handbook Hack video showcases our tried and true ground beef recipe (featured on page 322 of the handbook), but we know all of you have your favorite foil cooking recipe.

Share your go-to foil cooking recipe on your social channels and tag it with #HandbookHacks. We’ll find a few recipes to feature on Facebook and Scouting Wire! What’s your favorite foil cooking recipe?


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Don’t Get Foiled: Latest Handbook Hack Helps You Master Outdoor Cooking
Don’t Get Foiled: Latest Handbook Hack Helps You Master Outdoor Cooking
Don’t Get Foiled: Latest Handbook Hack Helps You Master Outdoor Cooking