Emotional Video Gives Dad’s Perspective on Scouting
As part of our “Families Like Mine” video series, this new video features Juan, a Scout dad, who grew up in Mexico and came to the U.S. when he was 19 years old. Far from his home, he found a home in the camaraderie of Scouting.
He shares how as an immigrant, he works hard to make sure his kids have the best opportunities possible. Although this mission requires him to be at his job a lot, Scouting gives him an outlet to make sure he’s creating memories with his family and other families too.
How to Use This Video
Share this video on your Facebook profile or page. You can link to the YouTube video below or upload the video directly into your account.
Here’s the basics on how:
- Download the video here: http://scouting.webdamdb.com/albums.php?albumId=627341. Then, save it to your computer.
- Select “Add Photos/Videos” at the top of your Facebook newsfeed or timeline.
- Find the video on your computer and upload.
- Add a short, strong call to action to your text bar before posting. Think about asking your audience to watch, share, or comment on the video, and consider including a call to action in Spanish too.
- Click “post.” When your video is finished uploading, you’ll get a Facebook notification. You can add a title and description to your freshly posted video. Feel free to borrow what we’ve used on YouTube.
Watch the video below in Spanish and English. Next, let us know in the comments if you’ve shared this powerful video.