The February 1 edition of the Finance Impact Department’s e-Letter has been published and is now available online.
In this issue, readers are presented with information about the March 4–6 AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising course offered by the Council Fund Development Team at the Center for Professional Development. This course is a collaborative effort between the AFP and the Boy Scouts of America to allow BSA professionals to earn continuing educational credits toward their Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) International initial certification or recertification at a discounted rate.
Other articles include the BSA Asset Management update for December 2013, an Eagle Scout application addition, tips for improving donor retention, an opportunity to sign up for a live webinar offered by accounting firm EKS&H to help assist you with filling out IRS Form 990, and the list of Blackbaud Constituent Relationship Management (BBCRM) webinars to help acclimate local council staff to its functionality in hopes of making the BBCRM conversion progress more smoothly.
To read the entire issue, click the link above or the image at left. Previous issues of the newsletter are available by following the links under the BSA Newsletters header at right.