How to Pick the Perfect Den Leader for Your Pack

How to Pick the Perfect Den Leader for Your Pack

If you are like many Cub Scout volunteers and parents, you’ve probably run into a dilemma many consider to be a good yet challenging conundrum. Yes, we are talking about having so many eager Cub Scouts that you don’t have enough adults to lead the overflowing pack. But not to worry, we’ve got 10 great tips you can follow that’ll help you scope out those amazing den leaders!

1. Connect with Your Community
Reach out to your community by chatting with parents in your pack or even folks from neighboring packs. Who knows? The perfect leader might be right under your nose!

2. Choose Wisely
But before you shout it from the mountain tops, remember to be discerning when asking if someone is interested in taking on the role. Not everyone posses the skills it takes to guide Cub Scouts through all of the adventures in Scouting.

3. Keep an Eye Out
Does your pack have that one parent that always seems to have it together or is constantly engaging in the pack’s happenings? This parent might be a winner! Watch out for parents who are natural leaders or who are looking to get more involved.

4. Do Your Homework
Look into members of your community who may already exhibit leadership in their daily life. School teachers, community event leaders, sports coaches, and religious leaders are already doing great things, but they might want to help out even more!

5. Pinpoint Go-Getters
Before you make your selection, don’t forget that not only are you striving to build strong leaders from within the pack, but you also want to choose leaders who will grow with the pack. If a roadblock surfaces, you want a leader who can rise to the challenge.

6. …

Want to Read the Next 5?

Catch the final five tips for selecting the perfect den leader for your Cub Scout pack by checking out the complete 10 Do’s and Don’ts on the Cub Hub. Do you have any tips not mentioned that worked for your Cub Scout pack? Share in the comments below!


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How to Pick the Perfect Den Leader for Your Pack
How to Pick the Perfect Den Leader for Your Pack
How to Pick the Perfect Den Leader for Your Pack