How Well Do You Know Scouting Pop Culture?

How Well Do You Know Scouting Pop Culture?

You may have seen commercials or TV shows put their own spin on Scouting uniforms or even heard a movie star proclaim “always be prepared.” Maybe your ears perk when you hear a reference to a “Boy Scout” or “Scouting” on the silver screen. Well you aren’t alone. After all, it’s pretty cool to have such an iconic presence in the nostalgia of so many. Scouting is woven into Americana, and Scouting Wire is taking a closer look at Boy Scouts of America in pop culture through the decades. 

But before we share which famous movie dad is a Silver Beaver award recipient or which acclaimed actor (hint: he was in the Titanic) sported the Scouting uniform on film, we want to hear from Scouting aficionados like you – because we know you guys have a keen eye for a good Scouting reference. To get your wheels turning, think about Scouting in a variety of categories such as music, movies, TV, art, sports, politics – anything! With your help, we might uncover some Scouting clues or subtle nuances in pop culture. Join the fun by commenting below and don’t forget to share this post with your Scouting friends and family so they can chime in!


Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at


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How Well Do You Know Scouting Pop Culture?
How Well Do You Know Scouting Pop Culture?
How Well Do You Know Scouting Pop Culture?