Letter from BSA Chief Scout Executive/President & CEO Roger Mosby Concerning BSA District Court Confirmation Ruling
BSA National Colleagues,
We are writing to you today to provide some exciting news about our national organization’s financial restructuring case.
Today, the District Court has ruled to uphold the order confirming the BSA’s Plan of Reorganization, which is poised to establish the largest sexual abuse compensation fund in the history of the United States—currently valued at $2.4 billion, with the opportunity for significant additional contributions from non-settling insurance companies and other parties.
This ruling brings us one step closer to emergence from bankruptcy. In addition to the approval of Judge Silverstein from the Bankruptcy Court and now Judge Andrews from the District Court, the BSA’s Plan of Reorganization has also won overwhelming support from survivors of past abuse in Scouting, with more than 85% voting to approve it.
What happens next?
Certain parties are likely to appeal this ruling, but we remain hopeful about the likelihood of exiting bankruptcy in the near future. We will continue to keep you apprised of the final steps in the BSA’s emergence process, which could happen within the next month
As it pertains to the national organization’s financial restructuring, we ask that you please refer any media inquiries on this topic to PR@Scouting.org. I have scheduled a townhall tomorrow to go over the details that we know at this time.
Finally, this milestone positions us to achieve the dual imperatives we outlined at the beginning of this process: equitably compensating survivors and ensuring the mission of Scouting benefits youth for generations to come. Thank you for your continued support. Each and every one of you should take pride in knowing that the mission of Scouting will be preserved for future generations.
Yours in Scouting.
Roger C. Mosby
Chief Scout Executive/President & CEO
Note: This letter was delivered to BSA employees on March 28, 2023.