Making a Part-Time Passion a Full-Time Career
A while back, I received a question on Twitter from a dedicated Scouting volunteer who is having thoughts of joining our professional ranks.
It’s really a testimonial to how Scouting creates great leaders. We are always looking for great talent to help us continue our mission to serve America’s youth with a quality Scouting experience. Our movement has created life changing experiences not only across the nation but around the world, and I would encourage anyone with a desire to join professional Scouting to investigate the opportunities.
Start with your local council to see what Scouting positions are open in your area. You will then participate in an assessment to see if the career might be a good fit for you, and local Council staff can provide insight into the life of a pro Scouter. Also check the BSA Website for available Scouting career opportunities.
Next to my family and church, Scouting has been the most important thing in my life and I’ll always treasure the memories I have of my volunteer and professional years with the Boy Scouts of America. The backbone of our organization has always been our volunteers, and making the transition to professional Scouting is nothing less than an honorable commitment to America’s youth. It takes special people to relay Scouting’s commitment to service, outdoor adventures and building good character (while also knowing how and when to step aside and let our Scouts lead the way!)
My hope is that more of our volunteers will pursue professional Scouting careers if this career path is their true passion. Our sustainability as an organization depends on committed, talented individuals who want great things for our young people and recognize Scouting’s values as the path to providing America with future generations of great citizens and leaders.
I’m sure other volunteer organizations have shared similar experiences where a volunteer so motivated by their values has decided that a career in providing leadership and service to young people is their life’s calling. How have you counseled volunteers who wish to pursue careers with your non-profit organizations? I’d be interested in what success stories you have to share and I think others following this conversation would benefit as well.
And look for me at @BSAchief on Twitter to see more of these inspiring messages about Scouting!