Mom Shares 9 Reasons to Get Your Son Involved in Boy Scouts ASAP!
Seeing your little boy grow into a well-rounded young man is an unequalled experience for Scouting parents. For mom blogger Michelle, whose son is on the autism spectrum, watching her child grow through Scouting is a journey packed with rewarding milestones.
On the topic of her son being an awesome kid, Michelle explains, “A lot of that is just who he is, but I also think that a big piece has to do with the benefits from Boy Scouts.”
On her blog, Michelle sings more of Scouting’s praises, nine of them to be exact. These benefits go to show what Scouting can offer your family and how your son can grow through the program’s one-of-a-kind youth development.
From giving kids parental bonding time to providing positive role models outside the family, Scouting has given Michelle’s son a wealth of character-molding experiences. What’s more, each facet of Scouting suits his unique personality in a way distinct from how it engages other kids. For instance, her son always focused on the design competition in Pinewood Derby versus making a super swift racer. This is one of the ways Scouting allowed him to identify his strengths and capitalize on them – and check out the awesome Pinewood Derby-themed Pinewood Derby car he’s holding in the picture below.
Before we give the rest of Michelle’s post away, we want to encourage you to check out the benefits of Scouting – in her words – for yourself. Read the full blog post on Michelle’s site Honest + Truly.