Philmont Training Center Invitation Process Underway

Recently, all Scout executives received an email with details on how to submit an invitation list to the Philmont Training Center (PTC) for 2015 conferences. The PTC invitation process enables you and your council staff to submit names of Scouters from your council to receive a personalized invitation from the Chief Scout Executive to attend the Philmont Training Center next summer.

Once we have received your council’s list, a personalized invitation will be mailed to your Scouters and their family inviting them on your council’s behalf (so please be sure to include the mailing address!).

Inviting your volunteers and professionals to PTC is a great way to recognize them for their dedicated service to Scouting and give them the opportunity to attend PTC. We have been told many times that the reason a person attends a conference at PTC is because someone they knew and respected personally asked them.

How do you submit an invitation list? First, carefully evaluate your council’s volunteers and professional Scouters who could make a valuable contribution to your program through participation in a Philmont Training Center Conference. You can find a complete list of conferences with descriptions for the 2015 schedule online at Individuals who could be invited include:

  • Experienced Scouters who need new ideas and the opportunity to network with Scouters from around the country.
  • New volunteers at the unit, district or council level who have received basic training and are ready for the next step in their training continuum.
  • Scouters looking for the most current and up to date program changes. For example the conference “Leading the NEW Cub Scout Adventure” which highlights all of the changes coming to Cub Scouting in 2015 or “All About Venturing” which will review all of the changes in Venturing. There are several exciting STEM focused conferences and so much more!
  • Newly recruited volunteers in council or district positions such as an advancement chairman, district commissioner, council president and many others. They could receive the training and tools they need from the beginning of their tenure.
  • Spark plug volunteers – individuals who need a boost of Scouting enthusiasm to help them continue.

These are just suggestions, but we are confident that any Scouter in any position can benefit from a conference at Philmont Training Center!

Once you have decided who should receive an invitation, you can fill out your list in one of two formats: Excel or Word. These submission formats were included in the email to Scout Executive and can also be requested from

Please return your list to Philmont by November 21, 2014. Additional names can be accepted up to February 1, 2015.

You can invite a person to one particular conference or you can leave that field blank and they will receive an invitation that does not indicate a specific conference. Either way, the invitation will indicate they can participate in any conference of their choosing (other than “by invitation only” conferences). The Training Center will assume that Scouters on this list are approved and will accept their registration without further council involvement.

Please be sure that Scouters you recommend are in good physical condition and do not have medical problems that will be affected by Philmont’s altitude, low humidity, and walking distances.

Materials will be sent by Philmont to your council office to help you promote the Training Center to your Scouters. Scouters and families with previous Training Center experience can also assist in your promotional efforts. If you do not already have a Philmont Ambassador serving in your council, please contact Andrea Watson for more information on this exciting program.


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Philmont Training Center Invitation Process Underway
Philmont Training Center Invitation Process Underway
Philmont Training Center Invitation Process Underway