Sample Scripts: Delegate Breakfast
Good morning, parents, leaders, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Explorers, visitors, and guests. I am [name] and I will serve as your master of ceremonies for this delegate breakfast.
As your emcee, I can assure you that the [host] Council has put a lot of work into supporting this event. I want to express my appreciation to all Scouting leaders who are here with us today for making that extra effort to be here. The [host] Council is pleased to serve as your host for this Report to the State as we celebrate February 8, Scouting Anniversary Day.
We hope that you find your visit here worthwhile as well as fun-filled. My wish to all of you is that your day in the capital is memorable and enjoyable.
I now call on [name of BSA youth member] of [unit] of [city] for our invocation.
Dear God, you have given us the direction for life. We pray for the strength to follow your guidance, to always think of others, to help our neighbors and the people of our communities, and to be respectful and caring toward all. We ask that you bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies, and may the strength that it gives us be used to the service of our communities, our state, and our nation. Amen.
Thank you, [name]. And now, to continue with the program, let me introduce you to the folks sitting with me here at the head table. [Make introductions.]
To get our Report to the State under way, it is my pleasure and honor to call on [name], president of the [host] council, to give a few welcoming remarks.
Welcoming Remarks
Thank you, [name]. It is indeed a pleasure to be here with you today. This opportunity to be a part of the Report to the State ceremonies is a great milestone in the life of a young person as well as the adult leaders. Your participation marks the [number] birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. Few organizations have carried on for this long, and fewer still have done so as strongly.
I want to welcome you to your capital city, and express my appreciation to your councils and the leaders and supporters who helped make it possible for you to be here.
I know there are lots of activities planned for you today. But I hope you will have time in your day or this evening to see some of the sights of [city]. [City] has a multitude of things to do and to see. [Mention two or three attractions or points of interest.]
So have a great day. And again, welcome to [city], the [host council name] Council, and your state capital.
Inspirational Speaker
[Introduce inspirational speaker. Have a small gift ready to present at the conclusion of the speaker’s remarks.]
Thank you, [name]. Please accept this small token of our appreciation for you taking the time from your schedule to be with us here today.
Roll Call of Delegations
It is now time for the roll call of delegations. As I call your council name, please let us know you are here by making a joyful noise.
[Call each participating council’s name and city.]
Closing Instructions
Now, some last-minute instructions: [Give instructions and directions for the day’s activities.]
Delegations, we appreciate the effort that all of you have made to be here today. You are indeed some of the most outstanding people in [state]. As the ceremonies and activities end later today, please drive carefully and have a safe trip home.