Words from Eagles

Words from Eagles

Across our country, hundreds of ceremonies are held each year to honor those young men who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

It’s a significant achievement and a bold statement of their commitment to the values of Scouting.  It also signals our next generation of nation’s leaders.

One newspaper article caught my eye about four new Eagles honored in Granville, Ohio.

Granville Ohio Eagle Scouts

From left to right: Matt Kaercher, Evan Snyder, Isaac Sundin and David Prentice – new Eagle Scouts, Troop 65, Granville, Ohio. // Photo Courtesy of the Newark Advocate

Each Scout provided the reporter with their thoughts about why this achievement in their lives was so important. I found their responses so inspiring that I thought it was important to share them with others:

Matt Kaercher:

“People sort of hold you to a new standard now so you have more responsibilities now. And that’s a privilege.”

Evan Snyder:

“Boy Scouts is the best thing I’ve ever done. I hope it means I can help other people in the future.”

Isaac Sundin:

“Scouting has taught me so many skills I use every day. I learned a lot of new things and had a lot of fun and I had a great experience with it.”

David Prentice:

“To achieve the rank of Eagle Scout is the best thing we can do to prepare ourselves for the real world. It prepares us for the real world better than any other program in the world.”

“More responsibilities…help other people…a great experience…prepare ourselves for the real world.”

These are among the values and life-changing experiences we hold dear for all of America’s young people, aren’t they?

And, we know from a Baylor University study of Eagle Scouts that those achieving this top Scouting rank demonstrated enhanced values, ethics, decision making, relationships and personal development.

Whether it’s Scouting or another youth-serving organization, it’s important for our young people to have a place to turn to for the guidance and life’s lessons that are key to their futures, and the future strength of the communities they serve. We can build a stronger nation by giving our young people these tools at an early age.

Do these new Eagle Scout testimonials fall in line with what you see from the young people in your organizations?  What kind of challenges do you face trying to make these values stick as they grow older?  We would appreciate your input.



Nathan Johnson

As a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America, Nathan Johnson enjoys finding and sharing the stories that inform, inspire, and delight the Scouting family.


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Words from Eagles
Words from Eagles
Words from Eagles