7 Ways Scouting Has Made the World a Better Place for 107 Years
Happy birthday, Boy Scouts of America!
Today, February 8, 2017 marks the 107th birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. As the nation’s top youth-serving organization, the BSA continues to educate on the principles of Scouting while creating value for thousands of people across the country.
Troops, teams, packs and crews alike will celebrate this momentous occasion in a variety of ways this month. From fashioning Scouting uniforms to serving in religious ceremonies, Scouts have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in Scouting in a memorable way.
In celebration of Scouting and its thousands of volunteers, employees, and youth members, we’re sharing seven of the many ways the BSA is making the world a better place.
1. Saving Lives
From administering first-aid in the knick of time to keeping a victim calm in the face of danger, Scouts are saving lives nearly everyday. Just recently this Scout saved his father from a life-threatening situation by utilizing the skills he learned in Scouting. Another Scout explains how Scouting actually saved his life. These life-saving examples are just a small glimpse into how the BSA equips its members with the skills and knowledge to know what to do in a crisis.
2. Serving Others
The Scout Oath and Scout Law empower Scouts to serve others everyday in ways big and small. Whether a Scout is completing an Eagle project in hopes of reaching Scouting’s highest rank or a Scout is simply doing a “good turn daily,” Scouts are here to make life better for others. Learn how the Eagle’s service project is a life-changing gift for a child with special needs.
3. Building World Leaders
Scouting has shaped the lives of millions of youth worldwide. Many of these Scouts have risen to some of the most honored and influential positions in history and credit Scouting for helping them reach success. Gerald Ford and John F. Kennedy ascended to the most powerful position in the country, but before they became leaders of the free world, they were Scouts. Just recently, BSA’s former national president, Rex Tillerson, was sworn into his new office as the nation’s 69th Secretary of State. Scouts are Olympians, competing in the Super Bowl, and starring in some of our favorite movies.
4. Growing Next Generation STEM Leaders
STEM Scouts, the BSA’s coed pilot program, focuses on introducing youth to future careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). By using experiential activities and interaction with STEM professionals, the goal of the STEM Scouts program is to help young people grow in character and skills as they explore their curiosity about STEM fields. Check out the 4 Reasons Parents Love STEM as Much as Kids to hear why this program has parents buzzing.
5. Introducing Youth to Lifelong Careers
Exploring, the BSA’s character and career education program, provides exciting activities and one-on-one mentorship for youth looking to discover their future. Young men and women are immersed in interactive activities that help them pursue their special interests, grow, and develop into the leaders of tomorrow. Learn how Exploring introduced Keith to law enforcement and how he’s making a difference in his community today.
6. Developing Character
We’ve always known Scouting builds character and prepares young people to make good choices, but we wanted definitive proof – so we got it. According to a study conducted by a research team from Tufts University, Scouting is scientifically proven to promote positive character development. We see examples of strong character in our Scouts daily and continue to see them live out the Scout Oath and Scout Law for the benefit of others.
7. Encouraging Conservation and Sustainability
The BSA has been leading the way in outdoor education and environmental stewardship for more than a century and shows no signs of slowing down. Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting’s founder, said Scouts should leave behind nothing at camp but their thanks to the landowner who let them stay there. Today, Scouts are living by that message and enjoying the outdoors responsibly through our “Leave No Trace” principles.
How to Celebrate the BSA Today
The Boy Scouts of America will continue to meet the needs of our changing country, bringing the fundamentals of character and leadership to new generations of Scouts – but we can’t do it without your help! In celebration of the BSA’s 107th anniversary, your donation of $107 can provide a year’s worth of Scouting programming for one youth. Consider giving back to the BSA today to celebrate 107 years of making the world a better place!
What are some other ways Scouting is making a difference in the world? Share your stories in the comments below!