Cub Scout Program Update: Transition in LDS Chartered Units
Wondering how the transition to the new Cub Scout adventure program will affect units chartered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)? Boys enter the program in LDS units and move from one den to the next based on their birthdays instead of their grade in school. So we’re giving you guidance on how to address this unique situation.
Fundamentally, boys during the transition year will earn their badge of rank with some fraction of their requirements earned under the current program, and the remainder earned under the new program.
How Will Cub Scouts Advance in LDS Units During the Transition?
The following are guidelines approved by the BSA National Council for navigating the transition. Review these tips while remembering to Keep It Simple, Make It Fun!
- Make every effort to have boys close to completing their badge of rank prior to May 31. After this time, they can go on to experience the new program for the balance of their time in the den.
- Every boy who hasn’t completed his badge of rank by May 31 will complete his badge of rank with some mix of achievements from the current program and adventures from the new program. Note: The constant is that these boys will have experienced a fun, family‐oriented program delivered by adults who care about them.
- Plan now for the program you want for your den and pack in the future. Using the new program, plan the required and elective adventures you want to be delivering from June forward—this program year and into the future. Take into account school and holiday schedules, local climate and pack considerations, etc.
- Beginning in June, have fun with the new program! Use the plan created in guideline number 3 and the soon‐to‐be‐available den leader guides to plan your individual den meetings. All boys may begin using the new program as early as June 1st but should be on the new program no later than the beginning of their 2015/2016 Scouting year (typically when school begins).
- Give your boys credit for the work they have done through May 31 in the current program and credit for what they will do in the new program from June forward. And when they reach their birthday, award them their badge!
If you’re part of the team leading the way into the Cub Scout program, thank you for everything you do in Scouting and for your support of the new program. If you have questions, send them to For more info and the latest on the changes coming to Cub Scouting, visit or check out these other posts on how to make the transition as successful as possible: