Are You Folding the American Flag Correctly?

Are You Folding the American Flag Correctly?

For more than 200 years, the American flag has been a source of pride and reverence for citizens of the United States. Among those citizens, Scouts young and old are known for their deep respect for The Stars and Stripes and are even called to be reverent in the Scout Law. A symbol of strength and unity, the American flag is one of the most treasured and powerful representations of Americanism, so it’s important to treat the flag with the utmost regard.

As we honor and thank the countless men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces, we look to the flag with admiration and appreciation.

Whether you’re a Scout or not, understanding proper flag etiquette is an essential skill for any American. For instance, did you know the American flag is the only flag in the world folded into a triangle?

This #HandbookHack shows proper folding technique Americans can perform at a variety of meaningful ceremonies. Take a look at our video below for a quick lesson on this special fold.

Check out some more #HandbookHacks, by clicking Foil Cooking, Geocaching, Build a Campfire, R.I.C.E, and Pumpkin Spice Pancakes.

Hayley Cordaro

Hayley Cordaro is a member of the Communications team at Boy Scouts of America. She loves sharing inspiring success stories and uncovering new ways volunteers and employees can make the most of their Scouting experience. If you have story ideas or questions, reach out to us at


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Are You Folding the American Flag Correctly?
Are You Folding the American Flag Correctly?
Are You Folding the American Flag Correctly?