6 Epic Camping Events You Should Sign Up for This Summer

6 Epic Camping Events You Should Sign Up for This Summer

In case you haven’t noticed, warmer temperatures have begun to roll across the the country and summer vacation will be here before we know it.

Have you procrastinated your summer planning? Don’t panic—There’s still time and availability to sign up for an awesome summer camping event and we’re breaking down what you need to know for each one.

Whether you’re a Scout, Explorer, or Venturer there’s a camping opportunity with your name on it! Find the event that speaks to your inner Scout and sign up before summer is in full swing.


1. SummerFest


What: Explorers will assemble from around the country for four days of High-Adventure fun. SummerFest is open to Explorers registered in posts and registered adult leaders who are looking for an unforgettable summer retreat. Get the full story and watch the video.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve

When: July 27-30, 2016

Register for SummerFest here.


2. VenturingFest


What: VenturingFest is a special Scouting event open to registered Venturers, Scouts (14+) and adult leaders across the U.S. This six-day High-Adventure excursion invites participants to explore the best that the Summit has to offer for the first national Venturing gathering of its kind. Get the full story.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve

When: July 31- August 5, 2016

Register for VenturingFest here.


3. Conservation Treks

philmont trek

What: Three conservation trek programs give the young men and women of Scouting and Venturing the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) that makes Philmont Scout Ranch what it is today. Get the full story.

Where: Philmont Scout Ranch

When: Multiple trek dates from mid-June to early August 2016

Register for ROCS treks, TCT treks, or STEM treks on Philmont’s website.


4. Appalachian Adventure


What: This fast-paced, High-Adventure program is open to Boy Scout troops, Venturing crews, Varsity teams, and Explorer posts over weekend sessions. Attendees will get to try the Summit’s many activities at their own pace with this event’s “open program” format. Get the full story.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve

When: Multiple dates for summer 2016 weekend sessions

Register for your Appalachian Adventure here.


5. Wilderness Canoe Trips

6909 FLORIDA SEA BASE STOCK SCUBA GEAR SNORKELING WATER BOAT UNDERWATER SAILBOAT SAILING DOCK KAYAK PADDLE CANOE TROOP FLAG CAMP FIRE LIMBO VOLLEYBALL NIGHT DARKNESS BUILDINGS ALLIGATOR FISH MORGAN 4/17/2012 4817 **********Beginning of Shooting Data Section********** Canon EOS 5D Mark II iso - 320 f/5.6 shutter - 1/250 file name - 6909-CR2-0028.CR2 date - 4/9/12 time - 8:24:42 PM program - Program AE white balance - Auto meter - multi-segment tone comp - 0 exp. comp - +0.3 flash - off flash comp - focus mode - One Shot AF lens type - EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM id - firmware - Version 2.0.4 meter mode - multi-segment color mode - AdobeRGB serial # - 620305241 sharpness - 0 tone comp - 0

What: These High-Adventure voyages paddle in nearly 6 million acres of wilderness you can only get to by canoe – from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota to the Atikaki Provincial Park in Manitoba. Campers (14+) usually explore around 50-150 miles of wilderness during these trips. Get the full story.

Where: Northern Tier High-Adventure Base

When: Multiple dates from June- July 2016

Register for a High-Adventure wilderness canoe trip here.


6. Order of the Arrow: Prism

OA Prism

What: This OA event is a four-day adventure program, honoring the Order’s original founding. The event is offered to eight Arrowmen from each lodge as part of the inaugural year of the Summit Circle at the Summit and is only offered in 2016. Get the full story.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve

When: Multiple dates from June- July 2016

To begin registration, submit your name for the lottery drawings here. 


Get a Head Start on 2017 Registrations


Jamboree (2017)

BSA Jamboree

What: Hosted at the Summit, this Jamboree will be one for the books, serving up new pilot programs, new structures, and even new art to set the scene.  Head to the 2017 Jamboree page and check out the Summit’s Jamboree photo contest while you’re there! Get the full story and watch the video.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve

When: July 19- July 28, 2017

Register for Jamboree 2017 here.


Florida Sea Base Adventures (2017)

6909 FLORIDA SEA BASE STOCK SCUBA GEAR SNORKELING WATER BOAT UNDERWATER SAILBOAT SAILING DOCK KAYAK PADDLE CANOE TROOP FLAG CAMP FIRE LIMBO VOLLEYBALL NIGHT DARKNESS BUILDINGS ALLIGATOR FISH MORGAN 4/17/2012 4817 **********Beginning of Shooting Data Section********** Canon EOS 5D Mark II iso - 320 f/5.6 shutter - 1/250 file name - 6909-CR2-0028.CR2 date - 4/9/12 time - 8:24:42 PM program - Program AE white balance - Auto meter - multi-segment tone comp - 0 exp. comp - +0.3 flash - off flash comp - focus mode - One Shot AF lens type - EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM id - firmware - Version 2.0.4 meter mode - multi-segment color mode - AdobeRGB serial # - 620305241 sharpness - 0 tone comp - 0

What: Attendees get to flex their Scouting skills in a tropical paradise with coral reef sailing, island exploring, scuba diving and more. It’s no mystery why registration fills up so fast for High-Adventure on the high seas—just look at that water!  Get the full story.

Where: Florida Sea Base

When: Multiple dates for summer 2017.

The 2017 Sea Base registration lottery is now closed, but remaining adventures are available for open registration. Make sure to register soon because there’s no telling how much longer these spots will be open.

Find a Camp Near You

There are hundreds of amazing Scout camps all over the country. Check out Scouting magazine’s “Cool Camps” list for more incredible places to plan an outdoor adventure and be sure to talk to your local council about Scout camp activities in 2016. 

Have you enjoyed any BSA camps in summers past? Find out how you can help give a Scout an unforgettable summer experience with a campership and then share your favorite camp memory in the comments!


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6 Epic Camping Events You Should Sign Up for This Summer
6 Epic Camping Events You Should Sign Up for This Summer
6 Epic Camping Events You Should Sign Up for This Summer