Council and District Recruiting

Membership Growth Tools

Membership Growth Tools

Actions to take:

  1. Schedule a Growth Conference – a staff meeting or special meeting to review your market and prepare your Membership Plan for 2024.
  2. Use the Council/District Growth Workbook and coming soon Council Planning Data, which will be available on MyBSA under Resources – Membership Insights and Planning, to understand where you need to grow.

Scout Me In

It is well documented that newly registered Cub Scouts have a far greater Scouting experience if they are provided an opportunity to participate in a Scouting activity within a few weeks after they join. For this purpose, it is recommended that you select a council- and district-wide theme for recruiting and deliver quickly a themed Scouting experience. To assist in your planning, there are playbooks around four common themes used by councils across the country. Click below for more information.

  • On Target with Scouting

    The On Target with Scouting program is designed to support district and council Cub Scout recruiting efforts through a BSA partnership with Daisy Outdoor Products and their distribution locations.


  • Science of Scouting

    The Science of Scouting recruiting program is designed to stimulate the great minds of our youth through engaging activities in the world of science.


Recruitment/Growth Tactics

To many staff and volunteers, the following tactics are second-nature. To some, however, they may be new. If you haven’t yet used these tactics, give them a try. They are time-tested and proven!

Membership Inventories

Unit leaders and Unit Commissioners working in collaboration with local units to guarantee all youth who are participating, that applications have been processed. Conduct inventories twice a year in October and April.

School Talks

The school talk recruiting presentation is a three to five minute talk to potential members who are interested in joining the Scouting program usually held during the day. In addition, to school presentations, can be given at community centers, churches, and directly to other youth organizations.

Fall/Spring Recruiting

To enroll prospective Lions, Tigers, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and their families into existing packs and troops, and to enlist parent participation in the program.

BeAScout provides a 24/7 resource for interested parents to find local Scouting programs and apply online.

Peer to Peer Recruitment

Consider having a recruitment campaign within the pack and troop. Offer incentives to each Scout who brings in a friend, as well as an overall prize for the top recruiter.

Webelos to Scout Transition

Boys joining troops from Webelos dens continue to be the best resource for growing the troop and expanding patrols. Many thriving troops have a close working relationship with a Cub Scout pack that provides them with a new group of enthusiastic youth every year.

Roster Checks (Any event that occurs at the council)

Check rosters for all youth registrants at all district and council events and activities to ensure that every Scout participating is registered.

Career Interest Survey

Provides contact information of students who could be invited to join a Post, a club, or even a crew. Demonstrates to prospective participating organizations just how many high school students could join their program. Builds relationships with participating schools.

Resources and Links

Relationships Resources